by AEB | 5 Jun 2023 | Blog, Senza categoria
The need for nutrition is not the primary need that is met in skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby. We can rather say that what is satisfied is the need for protection and care, no less important than the nutritional one. This is because the breastfeeding...
by AEB | 6 Mar 2023 | Blog, Senza categoria
Measuring body temperature is an essential procedure for monitoring a child’s health status during the many illnesses that are contracted in childhood. The most reliable core temperature is obtained by inserting a thermometer into the rectum (rectal...
by AEB | 21 Feb 2023 | Blog, Senza categoria
On February 16, 2023, the European Parliament cast its favorable vote on the transitional provisions for medical devices and IVDs, as stated in the approved text, and available at the following link:...
by AEB | 4 Feb 2023 | Blog, Senza categoria
February 4 marks World Cancer Day, World Cancer Control Day, promoted by the UICC – Union for International Cancer Control, and supported by the World Health Organization (WHO). On the occasion of this day, I would like to report my thoughts about my training...
by AEB | 2 Feb 2023 | Blog, Senza categoria
Regions that have spent more on health care than planned (i.e., more than 4.4 percent of their total spending) can ask the companies they bought medical devices from to return to them an amount equal to 50 percent of the excess spending made. What do these companies...
by AEB | 27 Jan 2023 | Blog, Senza categoria
«How nice and good everyone would be if every night before going to sleep they thought back over the day’s events and determined precisely what they did right and what they did wrong. Involuntarily then every day you try to improve yourself and it is easy, over...